Blog Five

 Basically in the video each person in the elevator has their own music playing out loud and without headphones on. This creates a loud ruckus when a bunch of people end up hopping in the elevator. Then someone with a huge radio boombox gets in and they all shut down their phones, he then turns on his music and puts an earbud in, so they have peace and quiet. Just as they have peace and quiet, elevator music turns on and they all start looking at each other. I think they chose to write and direct this video as a sort of reason that they have elevator music, and also to be concious of others.I think that this is the reason why the author wrote this because at the end of the video the elevator music starts playing and there is kind of an awkward silence. At the end of the video you see how a person who has headphones doesnt disturb others which is why it is the point of the video. I think the audience is adults and young adults, I think this is the audience because all the people in the elevator are adults and have phones, most kids dont have phones and are not riding elevators to go to work. Therefore the video is payed for adults, there is nothing involving children about it. Three ways this can teach people about community, one everybody likes different things including music, treat others how you want to be treated and third many different types of people can get along if they dont ignore eachother. 


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